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Showing results for "daa.ii se baat chhupaanaa"

daa.ii se baat chhupaanaa

try to conceal from one who is in the know of things

daa.ii se peT chhupaanaa

try to conceal from one who is in the know of things, attempt to conceal from one who is in the know

gu.D na de gu.D kii sii baat to kare

a kind word costs nothing

gu.D na de to gu.D kii sii baat to kahe

there is nothing lost by civility,

Meaning ofSee meaning daa.ii se baat chhupaanaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

daa.ii se baat chhupaanaa

दाई से बात छुपानाدائی سے بات چُھپانا


English meaning of daa.ii se baat chhupaanaa

  • try to conceal from one who is in the know of things

दाई से बात छुपाना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • ऐसे व्यक्ति से कोई बात छुपाना जिससे छुपाना नहीं चाहिए, भेद रखने वाले से कोई बात भेद रखना

دائی سے بات چُھپانا کے اردو معانی

  • ایسے شخص سے کوئی بات چھپانا جس سے چھپانا نہیں چاہیے، راز دار سے کوئی بات راز رکھنا

Showing search results for: English meaning of daai se baat chupaanaa, English meaning of daayi se baat chhupaanaa

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daa.ii se baat chhupaanaa

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