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easy Urdu

Meaning ofSee meaning gulaabii-urduu in English, Hindi & Urdu


गुलाबी-उर्दूگُلابی اُرْدُو

Vazn : 12222

English meaning of gulaabii-urduu

Noun, Feminine

  • easy Urdu

گُلابی اُرْدُو کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث

  • جو عربی و فارسی کے ثقیل و غریب الفاظ اور دور ازکار تشبیہ و استعارات سے پاک ہو

Interesting Information on gulaabii-urduu

Ever wondered what is ‘Gulabi Urdu’, and what is its connection with Mulla Ramuzi (1896-1952)? Well, it is noted as one of Urdu language’s standout prose works in which Mulla Ramuzi has parodied the difficult, word-to-word Urdu translations of the old times. Born Sadiq Irshad, Mulla Ramuzi, was a well-known journalist, satirist, and poet from Bhopal. So unique was his style of highlighting political and social issues in his Gulabi Urdu that the British government’s press act seldom caught hold of it in the newspapers, while Urdu knowers could wittily made sense of it. But in addition to this style, he also wrote satirical and humorous articles on common people's issues in simple language which became very popular. In Bhopal, the office of the Madhya Pradesh Urdu Academy is located in the building named, ‘Mulla Ramuzi Sanskriti Bhavan’. Nowadays, the term ‘Gulabi Urdu’ has also come to be known as the confluence of regional vocab and accents in the Urdu language.

Author: Azra Naqvi

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