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whenever, whensoever




when, at the time when, whenever, in case, whilst


of that (past) time


at the very time


since then, since that time

jab kaa jab

jab no



jab jaane.n


till when, till (such time as), until, as long as, so long as

jab ta.ii.n

till when, till (such time as), until, as long as, so long as

jab kabhii


jab lo.n

jab diikho jab tiir se kha.De

puuchhe.n jab boliye , bulaa.e.n jab jaa.iye

mai.n jab jaanuu.n

it is said to be as condition before believing or acknowledging something

badlii kii dhuup jab nikle jab tez


jab hii to

so! that is the reason, because of (this), hence, therefore, for that very reason

mazaa jab hai

bhor bhayaa jab jaaniye jab paure baadal ho.e.n

jab ham jaante

jab kabho

jab tak

till when, till (such time as), until, as long as, so long as


jab kaa tab

baat jab hai

jab talak

till when, till (such time as), until, as long as, so long as

jaaT muvaa jab jaaniye jab vaa kaa tiijaa ho


till when? how long?


delay tactic, when-then, now and then, occasionally

jab daa.nt na the jab duudh diyo, jab daa.nt bha.e to kyaa an na deve

jab jaisaa, tab taisaa

bipat pa.Dii jab bhe.nT maanii, mukar gayaa jab denii aa.ii

khatrii putram , kabhii na mitram , jab dekho jab dagam dagaa

jab kahii.n jaa ke

then at long last, with great difficulty

lag ga.ii jab, laaj kahaa.n

jab phe.nkaa tab paa.nche tiin

jab bhii tiin aur ab bhii tiin, jab paa.e tab tiin hii tiin

daadaa mare.nge jab bail baTe.nge

kaifiyat jab hai

marii jab dam na aayaa

baaman jiime jab hii patiyaa.e

bhog bilaas, jab tak saa.ns

daadaa mare.nge jab miiraas baTegii

jab tak pahiyyah lu.Dhke, lu.Dhkaa.e jaa.o

jab chane the tab daa.nt na the, jab daa.nt hu.e tab chane nahii.n

ab na jab

jab chane na the to daa.nt the , jab chane hu.e to daa.nt nahii.n

sattuu man bhattuu jab ghole jab khaa.e dhaan bichaare bhale koTe khaa.e chale

jab na tab

frequently, indiscriminately, never, not at all

nadii kinaare ruukha.Daa jab tab hoy banaaras

jab tak saa.ns, tab tak aas

where there is life, there is hope

ab kii baat ab ke saath jab kii baat jab ke saath

changed circumstances call for a changed attitude

jab tak chaa.nd aur suuraj hai.n

jab tak jiinaa, tab tak siinaa

jab tak jaan qaalib me.n hai

jab baavaa mare.nge tab bail baTe.nge

Meaning ofSee meaning jab-jab in English, Hindi & Urdu


जब-जबجَب جَب

Vazn : 22

English meaning of jab-jab

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جَب جَب کے اردو معانی

فعل متعلق

  • جتنی بار ، جب کبھی ، جب بھی.

Showing search results for: English meaning of jabjab, English meaning of zabzab

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