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Showing results for "kinaara-kash honaa"


coast, margin, rim, boundary, border


attracted to the shore, ascetic, recluse


drawing aside (from), one who withdraws or draws aside, one who keeps oneself aloof, holding aloof, withdrawing, retiring

kinaara rahnaa

kinaara honaa

kinaara karnaa

withdraw, retire, keep oneself aloof, place far off, make (someone or something) far off, to distance

kinaara lenaa


renounce, formally declare one's abandonment of (a claim, right, or possession), withdrawal, holding aloof

kinaara paka.Dnaa

to shun away, turn away, take to a corner

kinaara cha.Dhaanaa

fold and sew the edge (of a cloth), make a border, hem


kinaara khii.nchnaa

kinaara-kash honaa

withdraw, retire, keep oneself aloof, turn aside, abstain

kinaara-kashii karnaa

to shun, retire, take to a corner

kinaara-guzii.n honaa


sar se kinaara karnaa

mukammal kinaara-kashii kar lenaa

Abandon something altogether

Meaning ofSee meaning kinaara-kash honaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

kinaara-kash honaa

किनारा-कश होनाکِنارَہ کَش ہونا


English meaning of kinaara-kash honaa

  • withdraw, retire, keep oneself aloof, turn aside, abstain

किनारा-कश होना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • अलगाव करना, अलग होना, छोड़ देना, हाथ उठा लेना, रुक जाना

کِنارَہ کَش ہونا کے اردو معانی

  • علیحدگی اختیار کرنا، الگ ہونا، چھوڑ دینا، دست بردار ہونا، باز آنا

Showing search results for: English meaning of kinaarakash honaa, English meaning of kinarakash hona

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