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Showing results for "maGz maarnaa"

maGz maarnaa

to try to make someone understand hardly, to get stuck in a difficult question or problem for a long time and try to solve it, try to explain

Meaning ofSee meaning maGz maarnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

maGz maarnaa

मग़्ज़ मारनाمَغْز مارنا

Root word: maGz

Tags: Figurative

English meaning of maGz maarnaa

Persian, Hindi - Compound Verb

  • to try to make someone understand hardly, to get stuck in a difficult question or problem for a long time and try to solve it, try to explain

मग़्ज़ मारना के हिंदी अर्थ

फ़ारसी, हिंदी - यौगिक क्रिया

  • समझाने की बहुत कोशिश करना, सर खपाना, मगज़पच्ची करना, किसी कठिन सवाल या समस्या में बड़ी देर से उलझे रहना, माथापच्ची करना

مَغْز مارنا کے اردو معانی

فارسی، ہندی - فعل مرکب

  • سمجھانے کی بہت کوشش کرنا، سر کھپانا، مغز پاشی کرنا، (کنایۃً) بہت زیادہ کوشش کرنا، سر پھرانا

Showing search results for: English meaning of maghz maarnaa, English meaning of maghz marna

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maGz maarnaa

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