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Showing results for "nathunii utaarnaa"


lessen, take down, take Off, Unload, exorcise, remove the effects of evil spirit or evil eye or sorcery, land (an aircraft), lower, bring down, make someone alight or dismount, force to abdicate, make recompense, pay back, redeem or discharge (a loan), remove (something suspended), remove (shoes, etc.), cast off clothes, send (as a prophet), reveal, remove (something suspended), remove (shoes, etc.), cast off clothes


to bring down


get down, decrease, descend


to behave with pride, or self-conceitedness, or boastfulness, or arrogance





to wind (thread) for the purpose of forming it into skeins, to make up thread into skeins


بڑھ گیا


رحم سے متعلق۔.

utar aanaa

chuu.Diyaa.n utaarnaa

o.Dhnaa utaarnaa

To remove the sheet(from the head) , to disgrace, to expose, to defame

kap.De utaarnaa

take off clothes

gho.Daa utaarnaa

pag.Dii utaarnaa

deceive, plunder

aa.Daa utaarnaa

jhaa.D utaarnaa

tasadduq utaarnaa

to devote, sacrifice

'izzat utaarnaa

insult, disgrace, dishonour, rape

muraqqa' utaarnaa

diivaar utaarnaa

vardii utaarnaa

remove uniform as punishment, remove from office, dismiss

varaq utaarnaa

slice, cut very fine

qarz utaarnaa

to discharge or pay a debt

rizq utaarnaa

maa.ndgii utaarnaa

daa.nt utaarnaa

sadqe utaarnaa

to draw off or away (an evil spirit) by a sacrifice (or by walking round the person, repeating an incantation)

naqsha utaarnaa

copy a design, draw a map

sadaqa utaarnaa

make a propitiatory offering to remove a curse or misfortune

sharmindagii utaarnaa

qal'ii utaarnaa

chhuddaa utaarnaa

remove any actual or imagined cause of complaint, do something perfunctorily or half-heartedly just to escape blame, pay a brief return visit

kankavvaa utaarnaa

nichhaavar utaarnaa

farz utaarnaa

to fulfil an obligation, discharge a duty

Gilaaf utaarnaa

hadaf utaarnaa

Gussa utaarnaa

dil utaarnaa

nazar utaarnaa

ward off the effects of an evil eye

raa.ii utaarnaa

throw black mustard seeds in the fire to exorcize the effect of an evil eye

kalaa.ii utaarnaa

to dislocate opponent's wrist in hand-wrestle

lo.ii utaarnaa

badlaa utaarnaa

jaaduu utaarnaa

to exorcise, dispel the effect of magic

chaadar utaarnaa

tear off the veil, insult or disgrace a woman

aavaa utaarnaa

gardan utaarnaa

yaadgaar utaarnaa

duudh utaarnaa

deg utaarnaa

food to be ready

tasviir utaarnaa

draw a picture, take a photograph

sharaab utaarnaa

naqaab utaarnaa

laash utaarnaa

raqam utaarnaa

Trade: return the due amount, pay back the debt

sanad utaarnaa

qur.aan utaarnaa

Meaning ofSee meaning nathunii utaarnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

nathunii utaarnaa

नथुनी उतारनाنَتھنی اُتارنا

Origin: Hindi


English meaning of nathunii utaarnaa

Compound Verb

  • first time sexual intercourse with a virgin prostitute, loos virginity

नथुनी उतारना के हिंदी अर्थ

यौगिक क्रिया

  • कुँवारी वैश्या से किसी ग्राहक का पहली बार संभोग या आलिंगन होना, कौमार्य भंग करना

نَتھنی اُتارنا کے اردو معانی

فعل مرکب

  • کنواری طوائف سے کسی گاہک کا پہلی بار ہم بستر ہونا، بکارت زائل کرنا

Showing search results for: English meaning of nathunee utaarnaa, English meaning of nathunee utarna

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