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Showing results for "panjii"


small pincers to hold paan, five of a suit of cards, sort of link or torch with five branches

panjii vaalaa


(Hindu) a medicine composed of five ingredients (sugar, ghee, flour, cumin-seed), given to puerperal women


stock-in-trade, fund, capital, principal


the hand with fingers, extended, grasp, palm


claws, paws, clutches


fist, a cast or turn of five with the dice, the five of a suit of cards, a currycomb, a back scratcher, aggregate of five, clutch, grasp, gold or silver hand with fingers extended (usu. attached to the upper part of a standard), paw, claw, possession, control, power, the fore part of a foot or shoe, the palm of the hand with the fingers extended



bundle, stack, sheaf


amount, sum, imprest, capital


a pointed piece of wood or bamboo



sih-panjii karnaa

panje jhaa.D kar piichhe pa.Dnaa

panje jhaa.D kar piichhe pa.D jaanaa

hound, pester

panja gaa.D denaa

panje chhakke u.Daanaa

panje jhaa.D kar piichhe chimaTnaa

panje jhaa.D kar piichhe lipaTnaa

panje u.Daanaa

panje gaa.Dnaa

occupy, seize

panje ukha.Dnaa

panja mo.Dnaa

panja gaa.Dnaa

panja la.Daanaa

interlock fingers with an adversary and endeavour to twist his hand or wrist

panja ga.Donaa

panja cha.Dhaanaa

panja maro.Dnaa

panja ma.Do.Dnaa

panja me.n pa.Dnaa

puu.njii ga.nvaanaa

pa.nja qaabiz honaa

puu.njii vaalaa

panja denaa

panja dharnaa

panja chhakkaa chalnaa

throw dice, gamble

panje chhakke chalnaa

gamble (by throwing dice)

panja pher denaa

panja chhakkaa chalnaa

panje se chhuuTnaa

be set freed from an oppressor or enemy

panje maarnaa

panje jamaanaa

puu.njii khonaa

puu.njii luTaanaa

panje ko bhaanaa

panje me.n lenaa

panje me.n laanaa

subjugate, overpower, bring into one's clutches

panja honaa

panja karnaa

to interlock fingers with an adversary and endeavour to twist his hand or wrist

panja lagnaa

panja me.n aanaa

panja Tiknaa

panja banaanaa

panja Daalnaa

panja maarnaa

(metaphorically) overcome, control

panja utarnaa

panja milaanaa

panje me.n honaa

panja me.n lenaa

Meaning ofSee meaning panjii in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Sanskrit

Vazn : 22

English meaning of panjii

Noun, Feminine

  • small pincers to hold paan, five of a suit of cards, sort of link or torch with five branches

पंजी के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • वह पुस्तिका जिसमें ख़र्च का हिसाब, जन्म-मृत्यु का विवरण, गृह, भूमि आदि की अधिकृत बिक्री या हस्तांतरण आदि का ब्योरा दर्ज किया जाता है
  • पाँच नोकों की छोटी सी चमची
  • पाँच शाखाओं वाला .

پَنْجی کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث

  • رک : پنج شاخہ ، فلیتہ جلانے کا آلہ (بیشتر جمع میں مستعمل).
  • پان٘ج نوکوں کی چھوٹی سی چمچی.

Showing search results for: English meaning of panjee, English meaning of panji

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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