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show, entertainment, exhibition


outing, sight seeing, joke, mock, derision, cheerfulness, game

tamaashe kaa

tamaashe kii

tamaashe kii baate.n

tamaashe kii baat

pretty sight, strange things


exhibition, show, sight, spectacle


spectator, audience, bystander, onlooker, people who just watch and do not help or care for what is happening


amusement place of the world



theater, circus, exhibition, expo, display, show, presentation, place for show, spectacle


luxury, licentiousness, the act of seeing as spectator

duniyaa ke tamaashe

'ajab tamaashe kaa

tamaashaa pa.Dnaa

tamaashaa bannaa

to be a laughing-stock

tamaashaa dekhnaa

to enjoy others' misfortune

tamaashaa dikhaanaa

to show (one) a sight or spectacle, (fig) to give (one) a trouncing

buu.Dhe mu.nh muhaa se log cha.Dhe tamaashe

tamaashaa dikhlaanaa

tamaashaa karne vaalaa

lakka.Diyaa baa.nse kii , kaanii aa.nkh tamaashe kii

kargaa chho.D tamaashe jaa.e naahq choT juulaahaa khaa.e

karga chho.D tamaashe jaa.e naahaq choT julaahaa khaa.e

if a weaver goes to see row he comes back with a bloody nose

tamaashaa aanaa

mar-mar bu.Dhiyaa giit gaave, bhole log tamaashe aave.n

tamaashaa karnaa

to poke fun (at), make fun (of), to jeer, jest

karghaa chho.D tamaashe ko jaa.e naahaq choT julaahaa khaa.e

if a weaver goes to see row he comes back with a bloody nose, one should mind one's own business, poking nose in other people's row can cost dearly

tamaashaa banaanaa

make a butt of jokes or ridicule

tamaashaa luuTnaa

tamshaa banaanaa

tamaashaa ban jaanaa

tamaashaa banaa lenaa

make a butt of jokes or ridicule

tamaashaa honaa

a pretty jest

kyaa tamaashe kii baat hai jis kaa jaa.e vo chor kahlaa.e

the aspect or mood of all what's going around


novel, strange, extraordinary, wonderful spectacle, something extraordinary or strange

qudrat-e-KHaaliq kaa tamaashaa dekhnaa

qudrat-e-KHudaa kaa tamaashaa dekhnaa

aag de tamaashaa dekhne vaalaa

bu.Dhiyaa kaa kaataa javaan kaa khaajaa yaa tamaashaa

buu.Dhaa mu.nh muhaasaa log aa.e tamaashaa

bin kau.Dii bin paise kaa tamaashaa

bin kau.Dii bin paise kaa tmashaa

free of charge, valueless

qudrat kaa tamaashaa

duur se tamaashaa dekhnaa

aag lagaa.e tamaashaa dekhe

ghar khod kar tamaashaa dekhnaa


longing for vision

mizaaj kyaa hai ik tamaashaa hai, gh.Dii me.n tola gha.Dii me.n maashaa hai

ghar phuu.nk tamaashaa dekhnaa

to set (one's) house on fire and look on at the sport', to waste one's substance in idle pleasures

bail na kuudaa , kuudii gaun , ye tamaashaa dekhe kaun

turfa-tamaashaa nazar aanaa


bhai.ns na kuudii kuudii gaun, ye tamaashaa dekhe kaun

lo aur tamaashaa dekho

zaahir kaa tamaashaa

ostentatiousness, show off

ghar kho kar tamaashaa dekhnaa

ghar phuu.nk tamaashaa

putliyo.n kaa tamaashaa

coquettish movement of the pupils of eyes (by a woman or lover), puppet show

Meaning ofSee meaning tamaashe in English, Hindi & Urdu



Vazn : 122

English meaning of tamaashe

Noun, Masculine

  • show, entertainment, exhibition

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تَماشے کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • کھیل، تماشے، حیرت کے قابل معاملات
  • تماشا کی جمع یا محرفہ حالت، تراکیب میں مستعمل

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