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a poetical genre characterized by impassioned style and lament of unrequited love, impassioned style, vigorousness of style




burning, burning process, heating, combustion

Meaning ofSee meaning vaasoKHt in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Persian

Vazn : 221

English meaning of vaasoKHt

Noun, Masculine, Feminine

  • a poetical genre characterized by impassioned style and lament of unrequited love, impassioned style, vigorousness of style
  • jealousy, hate, dislike, boredom

Sher Examples

वासोख़्त के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग, स्त्रीलिंग

  • बेज़ारी, नफ़रत, नापसंदीदगी, जलना, जलाना, जलन
  • उर्दू पद्य की एक प्रकार जो मुसद्दस के रूप में होता है और जिसमें प्रेमिका के व्यवहार से नाराज़ होकर प्रेम छोड़ देने और प्रेमिका को त्यागने का वर्णन होता है

واسوخْت کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر، مؤنث

  • بیزاری، تکدّر، نفرت، نا پسندیدگی، جلنا، جلانا، جلن، روگردانی
  • وہ اشعار جو بطور مسدس لکھے جائیں اور ان میں معشوق کی مذمت اور اپنے رنج و الم کا حال بیان کر کے اپنی بیزاری ظاہر کی جائے
  • (مجازاً) وہ نظم (مسدس) جس میں عموماً معشوق کے جور و ستم اور اپنے رنج و الم کا حال بیان کرکے عشق اور معشوق سے تنفر اور بیزاری ظاہر کرتے ہیں

Interesting Information on vaasoKHt

Among the many forms of Urdu poetry, there is one that includes a lover’s grumbling about his beloved, named Vasokht. The word stems from the Persian verb ‘Sokhtan’, meaning to burn. This genre, which came from Persian into Urdu and involved playful teasing with the beloved, is not written anymore. A Vasokht can be written in many forms, but is mostly written in Musaddas (Hexameter). Written in a sequential narrative, it first describes the beauty of the beloved, then the lover’s love for her, followed by complaining about her indifference and lack of constancy with the mention of a rival lover (Raqib), ensuing in the lover expressing his importance, finally bringing up some other beloved to make her jealous. A stanza from one of Meer’s Vasokht’s follows pretty much the same order: Maah-paara bhi isii shahr mein mash.huur hai ab Us kii mahbuubi-o-khuubi kaa hii mazkuur hai ab Dekhna kuchh ho usii ka mujhe manzuur hai ab Sarf us par karuunga apnaa jo maqduur hai ab Us kane zid se tirii sham-o-sahar jaaunga main Ghar se jis dam bhi uThuun us ke hii ghar jaunga main

Author: Azra Naqvi

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