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ye aur

ye aur hu.ii

this and then that, one after the other, trouble after trouble

ye aur vo

ye aur baat hai

this is entirely a different thing

ye gu.e aur ye maidaan hai

ye mu.nh aur maliida

does not deserve this, is not capable of it

ye guu aur ye maidaan hai

ye mu.nh aur phulauriyaa.n

ye mu.nh aur gaajare.n

does not deserve this, is not capable of it

ye mu.nh aur masaalaa

ye mu.nh aur masaalaa

vo aur ye kaam

he can't do it, he will not do it

ye mu.nh aur khaa.e chaulaa.ii

baat ye aur hai

ye go aur yahii maidaan

saat ruupiya aur ye namuud

ye tumhaarii aur vo hamaarii

ye baat kahii.n aur rahe

muTThii baraabar haDDiyaa.n aur daa've ye

ye vaqt aur hai

ye chha.Dii hogii aur tuu hogaa

ye mu.nh aur gulgule

does not deserve this, is not capable of it

ye mu.nh aur masuur kii daal

does not deserve this, is not capable of it

ye mu.nh aur dhaniye kii chaTnii

does not deserve this, is not capable of it

ye musalmaanii aur aanaa kaanii

ye mu.nh aur chaar chu.nglii laasaa

zamiin Tal jaa.e aur ye na Tale

kaag kavvaa aur khargosh ye tiino.n nahii.n maane pos

kaag kavvaa aur KHargosh ye tiino.n nahii.n maane pos

ban baalak bhai.ns aur ukhaarii, jeTh maas ye chaar dukhaarii

na la.Dkaa paidaa hu.aa , na jau kaaTe ga.e , ye muu.nDan aur 'aqiiqe kii dhuum kaisii

saarii zulaiKHaa sun lii aur ye na maa'luum hu.aa ki zulaiKHaa 'aurat thii ki mard

yaa idhar ho yaa udhar

baat zabaan yaa mu.nh se nikalnaa aur paraa.ii ho jaanaa

yeh mu.nh aur gaajre.n

yeh tiin kaane aur yeh pau baara


prayers, benedictions, good wishes


ye to sikshaa saadh kii nihche chit me.n laa, bhed na apne jiyo kaa auro.n ko batlaa

Meaning ofSee meaning ye aur in English, Hindi & Urdu

ye aur

ये औरیِہ اَور


ये और के हिंदी अर्थ

  • मज़ीद, इस के इलावा

یِہ اَور کے اردو معانی

  • مزید ، اس کے علاوہ۔

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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ye aur

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