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Showing results for "'abiir"


mixture of perfumes compounded with musk, saffron, sandalwood, and rose, a kind of powder used at the saturnalia of the holi, saffron, ambergris



a mixture of perfumes compounded with saffron, a kind of powder used at the saturnalia of the holi, saffron, ambergris


red powder made with rose, sandal and saffron and sprinkled on clothes at the Hindu Holi festival


buckets, sparks, tears


blackish red, reddish colored








breeze, air, wind, gale


after, since, subsequent, latter



to interpret a dream




all of twelve



harf-e-bad bar zabaan-e-bad baashad


drop, raindrop

daaG bar baalaa-e-daaG

kaaT kii haa.nDiyaa ek daf'a cha.Dhtii hai baar baar nahii.n cha.Dhtii

kaaTh kii haa.nDii.n baar baar nahii.n cha.Dhtii

fraudster does not prosper

dumash bardaashtam maada bar aamad

kaaTh kii ha.nDiyaa baar baar nahii.n cha.Dhtii

fraudster does not prosper

biir dau.Daanaa

ghar baar chho.Dnaa

rozgaar aur dushman baar baar nahii.n milte

occupation and enemies are not found at command

kai baar

how often, how many times?



imprint on wall

qahr-e-darvesh bar-jaan-e-darvesh

ku.nj.Dan apne ber khaTTe nahii.n bataatii

kuu.nj.Dii apne ber khaTTe nahii.n bataatii


har cha az dil KHezad bar dil rezad

ghar baiThe ber dau.Daanaa

baar pa.Dnaa

baarah brahman baarah baaT baarah dehaatii ek ghaaT

high-ups can't be united, the lowly one can


tresses perfumed with saffron



misfortune always befalls the weak

baadshaah maarii podnii ham bair basaavan jaa.e.n

bar mitzvah

(پسر احکام) یہودی بپتسما

Tuum kap.De jis ghar paave.n, ek chho.D das bair aave.n

maa beTo.n me.n la.Daa.ii hu.ii logo.n ne jaanaa bair pa.Daa

kafsh bar sar-e-kashf

the shoe on the of kashf (it is said when a person claim the divine inspiration)

bair pa.Dnaa

bar ju.Dnaa

bair kaa.Dnaa

biir cha.Dhnaa


ceremony in which a girl's family meets the prospective bridegroom

kaaTh kii ha.nDiyaa do baar nahii.n cha.Dhtii

kaaTh kii ha.niDyaa duuje baar nahii.n cha.Dhtii

kaaT kii haa.nDii cha.Dhe na duujii baar


salavaat bar mohammad va aal-e-mohammad

kaaT kii haa.nDii ek daf'a cha.Dhtii hai do baar nahii.n cha.Dhtii

maa.n beTo.n me.n la.Daa.ii hu.ii, logo.n ne jaanaa bair pa.Daa

zahr baad cha.Dhnaa

Meaning ofSee meaning 'abiir in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 121

Word Family: a-b-r

English meaning of 'abiir

Noun, Masculine

  • mixture of perfumes compounded with musk, saffron, sandalwood, and rose, a kind of powder used at the saturnalia of the holi, saffron, ambergris

    Example - Mukhtalif rangon ki pichkariyan chaltin aur jise mauqa milta dusre ke munh par abeer aur gulaal mal deta

Sher Examples

'अबीर के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • एक प्रकार की सुगंधित गुलाबी बुकनी जो कपड़ों पर छिड़की जाती है

    उदाहरण - उसका माना (अर्थ) इल्म (ज्ञान) पड़ (पढ़) कर नीं (नहीन) पूज्या तो गदड़े (गधे) पर अबीर लादे या संदल क्याँ लकड़ियाँ लादे तो उसे (उससे) क्या फ़ाइदा - मुख़्तलिफ़ रंगों की पिचकारियाँ चलतीं और जिसे मौक़ा मिलता दूसरे के मुँह पर अबीर और गुलाल मल देता

عَبِیر کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • مشک، گلاب اورصندل وغیرہ سے تیّارکیا ہوا سفوف جوکپڑوں پرچھڑکتے ہیں، ایک خوشبودار مرکب سفوف

    مثال - مخلتف رنگوں کی پچکاریاں چلتیں اور جسے موقع ملتا دوسرے کے منھ پر عبیر اور گلال مل دیتا - . سو کونچیاں منے شہر کے دھن دو دھیربچھائی مشک زعفراں ہور عبیر

Synonyms of 'abiir

Showing search results for: English meaning of abeer, English meaning of abir

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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