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Showing results for "kaan kholnaa"


unravel, let loose, disengage, set free, liberate


(secret) to be revealed or exposed, be solved (of a problem or mystery)


bloom, flower, be happy, be delighted, crack (grains in roasting or parching), crack, burst (as a wall), look well, look beautiful (of colour or dress), to show itself or its effects (of moonlight or stars), to show the effects (of intoxication)



act, amuse, romp


act, amuse, romp



rankle, be disliked


an easy task, no sweat




administer by mouth (medicine, poison, etc.), feed, make one take an oath


to cause to boil



to help someone in playing, Involve in playing with oneself, inducing someone to play


be afraid or frightened, be lazy, feel indolence, cause to say, send a message


to be parched


khaa lenaa


kah lenaa

naa.Daa kholnaa

have coitus

da.Dbaa kholnaa

darvaaza kholnaa

'uqda kholnaa

solve a difficult problem

khi.Dkii kholnaa

gaa.Dii kholnaa

juu.Daa kholnaa

jha.D kholnaa

paa.D kholnaa

to dismantle the scaffolding

kaaGaz kholnaa

to lay bare, bring to light one's vices or faults

daa.nt kholnaa

aaGosh kholnaa

dahaa.n kholnaa

qal'ii kholnaa

expose someone's defects or vice, etc.

muu.n kholnaa

ghuu.nghaT kholnaa

ho.nT kholnaa

khelne kuudne ke din honaa

mu.nh kholnaa

open or uncork (a bottle or container), reveal a secret, speak, yawn, unveil or uncover the face, open the mouth, abuse

mu.nh kholnaa

to speak, to abuse, to open the mouth, to reveal

dukkaan kholnaa

daftar kholnaa

begin, start, state with detail

quful kholnaa

fasd kholnaa


fund kholnaa

dil kholnaa

mu'ammaa kholnaa

nazar kholnaa

daaman kholnaa

ghaa.ii kholnaa

bhed kholnaa

expose, unmask, betray

god kholnaa

diide kholnaa

dum kholnaa

burd kholnaa

silaah kholnaa

haqiiqat kholnaa

raaz kholnaa

betray someone's confidence, divulge a secret

aa.nkh kholnaa

to open the eyes (of), to make aware or cognizant (of), to impart knowledge (to), to open (one's own) eyes, to awake from sleep, to open the eyes wide, to stare, to stare in wonder, astonishment, to become wise, discerning

zabaan kholnaa

to give loose to the tongue, to speak out

Meaning ofSee meaning kaan kholnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

kaan kholnaa

कान खोलनाکان کھولْنا


English meaning of kaan kholnaa

  • to open the ears (of), to bring to the knowledge (of), to inform, make acquainted (with), apprize, to prepare (one for), to caution, warn

कान खोलना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • सुनने का इच्छुक होना, कोई बात सुनने के लिए तैयार रहना, सुनते समय ध्यान देना
  • स्पष्ट कर देना, आगाह कर देना, सचेत और सावधान कर देना
  • समझा देना

کان کھولْنا کے اردو معانی

  • مشتاق سماعت ہونا، کوئی بات سننے کے لیے آمادہ و تیار ہونا، سنتے وقت غور کرنا، توجہ سے سننا
  • جتا دینا، آگاہ کر دینا، متنبہ وخبردار کر دینا
  • سمجھا دینا

Showing search results for: English meaning of kan kholna

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